Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall Still Life Surprise


Drawing from observation, memory, and imagination are three big concepts in the elementary art room. I set up a still life in-the-round in the middle of the room for one particular grade, but all the kids from other grades were so interested in it that I decided to leave it up a few weeks so that we could all draw from it as we completed our various activities.
Here's the surprise -
In past still lifes, I gave specific instructions about creating the compositions. This year, the only instructions I gave were to fill the page, draw big, and draw only what you could see from your spot. The rest of the composition - spatial relationships, color choices, patterns, background - was up to them to figure out. You can see how they are making decisions on size relationships, overlapping, and high/low placement. They are even throwing in a few of their own objects from memory that feel appropriate for them, like mugs to go with the teapot. I have to say, I have been so impressed with what they have come up with, especially the younger grades! Some of them are just blowing me away. It has inspired me to keep a seasonal still life going all year... Let the hunting and gathering begin!
Here are a few of the K-2 completed examples, with more to come soon.



A view from the other side...


  1. By not giving so many instructions besides look, draw what you see ,gives you as a teacher a great perspective on how your students are "looking" at what they are drawing! Great project! Great activity for the early finishers! :)

  2. I agree with Mrs. C. And just giving the directions of "fill the page and draw big" helped create some Wonderful compositions!


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