Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First grade update: stitching and paper crowns

First graders have been putting their skills to work lately, building paper crowns and learning to stitch with a needle and thread (actually, yarn).  Thank you to We Heart Art for the inspiration for our stitching lesson.  We used foam squares and it worked very well.  We just free-stitched all around, getting the feel of using the needle, hanging on to the tail, forming a running stitch, and adding beads.  Here are some of our fun results:




We have also completed our paper crowns, learning to build three-dimensionally by folding, curling and pasting strips into paper forms.  Very cute and fun!!!  This lesson was also inspired by one from another teacher's blog, and I saved it so long ago that I can't find the link now.  Please add your link in a comment if it was you, and thank you for sharing!


  1. I love these paper made hats.
    A great way for the students to play with paper design.

    Thank you also for your comment on " For the love of sunflowers" post". The blogger was down and your comment did not go to my dashboard.
    I was not able to transfer it from my email either.


Comments are very appreciated - thanks for stopping by!