Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Anyone else flooded with Spam?

Recently I have been getting many spam comments from weird businesses. Is this happening to anyone else? I am wondering if there is anything I can do to minimize this unpleasantness - I already use comment moderation so at least I can stop the spam from being posted but it's so disappointing to see a comment notification and have it be phony!


  1. Yes. Its super annoying. The only way to stop it is to turn on captcha. But I HATE those things. I can never get the letters right and just end up not leaving a comment half of the time.

    1. Marcia...I use captcha..but still get the spam(it doesn't get past me, but I still have to deal with it when moderating). Mrs. my answer is YES..I've been getting a ton of spam lately. BOOOOOO -Mr. E

  2. I get the from time to time, in batches it seems. I have all comments go to my email and I immediately delete the spam. The worst ones are from the guy who has this lengthy diatribe about how horrible American women are.

  3. Hi Hope

    I received 382 spam messages in the last 24 hours, and was wondering if other bloggers were in the same situation. Luckily, none were published: I have comment moderation turned on, plus a Wordpress plus-in (Askimet for you WP folks) to keep them out.

    I agree with Marcia - CAPTCHA is really annoying, and I also get the letters wrong and sometimes give up.

    1. WOW that's a lot! I don't get nearly that many, but what I do get is a bummer. I used to have Captcha but I took it off, and that may be what started this.

  4. I use the captcha but still got some. I report them as spam and blogger does something. I haven't gotten any for a while now.

  5. I was getting alot of them also! I put captcha back on and have not gotten any since then. Blogger seems to catch alot of the spam and put in my spam folder and not post them. I go into the spam and delete them out.

  6. This post alone has received about a dozen spam comments... sigh.

  7. I feel kind of embarrassed because I don't know what you are all talking about. Do you mean that spammers are commenting on your blog? Is "captcha" that weird number/made-up word thing? Please clue me in.


    1. Hey, hope you are feeling better Pat! Yes, it's that thing. I didn't really know what it was called so I called it the robot detector. Ha

  8. Hi Hope

    This weekend I reset my spam settings so I don't allow comments on posts more than 3 months old. Lo and behold, my spam went from 382 in one day to 50. I use Wordpress....does Blogger have this kind of option?


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