Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Using a timeline

My students have enjoyed looking at the art history timeline I posted outside my room this year. I really enjoy looking at timelines - being a visual person, it really helps me place historical events in my head.

I have purchased and inherited several timelines from various catalogs and classrooms - every one of them has been so incredibly LONG that is was nearly impossible to use or display it. So I made my own, with each time period on its own sheet so that I can effectively scale down to a particular era (it's not often you need to look at Paleolithic fossils and Pop art at the same time, although it sounds like a fun challenge). So, for example, when we begin an Impressionism lesson, we can look at what came before and what came after in the art world.  I really like seeing how art changed after the invention of the modern camera!

I also like including important tidbits that are happening in other parts of the world. Before it comes down from the hall, I am hoping that students might select their favorite time in art history and we will graph the responses.



  1. These are great! I have the long timelines also but like you said they are hard to display. I love the ones you made up! Thanks for sharing them! :)

  2. This is great! Would you consider sharing via google docs or PDF? I would love to use a timeline this year, but like you said, all of the ones I found are so cumbersome.

    1. Let me see what I can do. I made the docs a while back and my laptop has been repaired... hopefully I still have them. The pics wont be attached, they are cut and paste.

  3. Hi Hope....great timeline. I've never attempted anything like it and I agree with Nellie....if you are willing to share, I would love to hang in my school :)

  4. Oh I would love these too. I am a new art teacher!

  5. Great idea, Hope! I love the plea's for , "Share!" We are such a bunch of funny, arty folk, aren't we?


    1. That we are, Pat... And proud of it! It's not looking good for the "share" - I made them over a year ago and my laptop has been reformatted or something. I will check my server at school....


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