Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Sketchbook Ideas

Hi kids - I hope you enjoyed going through those portfolios with your parents and selecting some works to save in scrapbooks or frames.  Keeping a summer sketchbook is a great idea for going on trips or afternoons when there's not much going on.  Here are some sketching ideas for the lazy days of summer:
1. Draw your pet when they are napping.
2. Draw what you see in the rear-view mirror when riding in the car.
3. Draw your dinner plate, before you begin eating and then again after.
4. Draw yourself wearing goggles or a diving mask.
5. Draw something floating in the pool.
6. Draw the view out of your window.
7. Keep your sketchbook by your bed and draw your dream when you first wake up.
8. Make a detailed drawing of something from nature: a seashell, a flower, an insect.
9. Create a new American flag by rearranging the stars and stripes.
10. Draw a watermelon before and after it's cut.

1 comment:

  1. I have just become your latest follower. Your blog is very inspiring and I have really enjoyed looking at some of your posts. The weaving and pottery work is very interesting and lovely to look at...
    I shall return.
    Best wishes
    Sue xx


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