As I close out this year, I am very proud of the accomplishments we achieved in and out of the art room, including our first attempt at Free Art Friday and personally, making it through a year of much transition and change in the professional side of my teaching. We also connected with many students around the country during our Valentine's Day ATC exchange. I am looking forward to a few new ideas, as I am every year - gotta keep it fresh! - including the possibility of expanding ATC's into APP's (Art Pen Pals) and sharing more work in the community.
Enjoy your summer everyone. Recharge those batteries and share what is exciting you for the start of next year... I'd love to hear from you.
This is a (blurry) photo of me with my son Mak, who just finished his 5th grade walk on his last day at our school before he moves on to bigger things at middle school. Next year will be the first year for me to drive to and from school each day by myself - weird!