
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vegetables by Matisse

Vegetables, Matisse

This beautiful 37 second video of Henri Matisse was so inspiring to watch before we began our own collages. Matisse, who was a painter for most of his life, began making collages in his later years when he could no longer stand at an easel. We learned about geometric and organic shapes as well as warm and cool colors when creating our collages. Looking at examples of real vegetables helped us to "draw" the organic shapes with our scissors.
This is the second part of our annual second grade Matisse unit, and the kids were pretty split down the middle when asked if they enjoyed their Matisse-style painting or collage the best. I know they had a ball making these veggies!


  1. The second-to-last one is my favorite! Beautiful composition and combination of colors.

    1. Charles was certainly displaying his cutting and arranging skills on that one : ) thanks

  2. They are all gorgeous. And thank you so much for posting the video!!

  3. Wonderful. I have seen a lot of Matisse cut-paper projects, but never one with vegetables. Thanks for posting.

  4. These are awesome. Your kids are obviously aware of arranging objects with consideration to the negative space. Thanks for this lesson

  5. Fantabulous!! I think I'm going to do this with my 3rd graders!!


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