
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Exciting starts from this week...

A busy week packed with promising projects...

first meeting of photography club!
prepping for our pop art unit, 4th grade - "Who is the Artist?" dvd
learning to create compositions in 5th (excited about this new lesson inspired by Pinterest find)
using viewfinders for positive and negative space (my fave)
mixing values of secondary colors for 1st grade autumn trees


  1. Love the photography club photo!
    Can't wait to see more:)

  2. I really like the viewfinder idea - a really useful tool I haven't used for years and had forgotten about! I'll be borrowing & adapting soon I think!!!

  3. I love the bike lesson! I haven't tried viewfinders in a long while either. I remember it was a tough concept to explain. Any suggestions?

    1. I did a demo on the board, showing how the shapes that touch the edge of the viewfinder should touch the edge of the paper. Also stress that it is enlarged!

  4. I did a version of this lesson too. I started with contour line drawing of their shoes and then we used the view finder to create an abstract color composition. What did you use for your background?

    1. We are starting the backgrounds this week, and we are using watercolor. Tempera would look great, but we are doing a tempera lesson next and I wanted to do a different technique. I might do water soluble oil pastels with one of the groups too, if I can find where I put them...

  5. love the viewfinder/pos & neg project. plan on doing that with my college students this week:) on another note- i would LOVE to have a smartboard in my class! how long have you had one?

    1. I was the last classroom in our building to get one - it was installed last spring. its not your standard Activboard, it is a regular whiteboard with an interactive projector. This way I can still write and draw on it. I love it, although I haven't done much with the interactive part yet, mostly just as an amazing projector. i'm the only one at my school with this kind, so not much training available. Baby steps!


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