
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dino Fossil Paintings

I found this idea online recently and I cannot find it again to give my props! If it is a lesson you recently posted, please leave me a comment so I can post a link, and thanks for your idea! ***update - here it is from A Faithful Attempt:
I do a prehistoric unit with my kindergarteners each year, and we usually do clay fossils, but it seems I under-ordered my clay this year... oops... but it's ok because we did a similar clay thing earlier this year. So when I saw this, I thought it would fill that spot perfectly!
We began by looking at many dino illustrations and breaking them down into simplified shapes. Next, we chose the one we liked best and drew it large and added bones inside - we had fun using our imaginations with this part! We used Dino texture boards from Roylco to make more fossil rubbings in the negative spaces and colored the bones with white crayon before brushing over the whole thing with brown watercolor, revealing white bones popping up from earthy tones. The resist technique is always like magic in elementary school. 
I think they are fantastic!

Early finishers had an opportunity to do some nature drawing in the garden on a beautiful spring day, just before the cold snap returned...


  1. These are fabulous! Some of my first graders love dinosaurs and I need a good end of the year project. This might be it! You also mentioned clay. This might be fun for students to do as a clay tile on white clay, using tea stain as the coloring agent after painting the bones with clear glaze.

  2. These are Great! Kinders and dinosaurs...they must have been so excited with this project!

  3. I wouldn't have thought to have kinders draw dinosaurs and bones but these are adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I *think* it might be inspired by my dino wax resist project? Except I didn't have the kids outline with the black markers or use the texture plates. "That Artist Woman" blog does a similar dino project but uses white glue instead of white wax crayon. Your kids did an amazing job!!

    1. Yes - that's the one!!! Thanks so much - I should have pinned it when I first came across it. It's awesome.

  5. Que buenos trabajos! Felicitaciones! lo invito a visitar mi blog: saludos Ana.


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