
Monday, April 22, 2013

Egyptian Self-portraits, 3rd grade

Our first Ancient civilization project is complete, which is the merging of self-portraits with the art of Ancient Egypt. We looked at examples of tomb painting, sculpture, hieroglyphics and architecture before we drew ourselves as if we were living in 3000 BC Egypt. The metallic paint pens and papers add a nice sparkle, although it is hard to see in these pics. Most of the figures we saw were in profile, but most of us opted for a more modern, forward facing approach. Thanks to Practical Pages for the Egyptian costume handout I found on Pinterest - it was a great visual aide. Next up, Ancient Greek figure pots!

helpful handouts and visual aides


  1. What a great way to personalize the standard Egyptian Art projects- love the use of the mettallic pens as well.
    And thanks for the link to to the paper dolls- wonderful resource!

  2. Oh, these are wonderful! I'm delighted that my Ancient Egypt paper men & dolls provided some visual inspiration! Thanks for sharing the link. Blessings, Nadene


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