
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Smartest Artist of the Month: March 2012

Sam Goldfein, fourth grader, is our featured student artist for the month of February. Sam has always been a real joy to teach, and recently he showed some creativity and initiative that made him stand out from the crowd.  During our Artist Trading Card (ATC) project, each student made 3 cards - one to keep and two to trade.  Sam came in the next week with a whole folder full of ATC's that he had designed with clever ideas.  It is so exciting to see an idea spark in class, and a student to grow that idea into something of their own.  Sam enjoys playing guitar as well as being an artist, and he works hard because he "likes the feeling of being proud."
 Here is a photo of his ATC collection, ready for trading, and some other highlights from his portfolio from this year - way to go Sam!

Sam's ATC's

wonderful handwriting, I might add!


  1. Congratulations to your very talented student.
    All his cards are amazing.

  2. Well done Sam! Hope, is the portfolio cover a living document? They add to it each time they meet with you?

  3. Yes, we add to the portfolio cover each time we start a new project - usually the artist's name or some vocab or other concepts - there are also sections on the back. This is my first year to try it and I am loving it.


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