
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pumpkin Landscapes

Second graders have completed these charming pumpkin field landscapes while learning about observation drawing and space in a landscape.

We began by drawing pumpkins on a variety of orange papers, looking closely for details and form. Since the pumpkins would be placed in the foreground of our landscape, we would see lots of details in them, unlike the background forest, which is too far away to see details. We also painted a glowing moon by mixing shades of gray and creating rings around the white spherical moon. 

Happy fall!


  1. You know I love these - they are very "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"

    1. Oh my gosh Laura, you are so right - I hadn't consciously realized that, but you know how it is when your whole life is based on Peanuts ! Haha


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