
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

TpT sale and High Museum trip

I have posted some new resources on my Teachers pay Teachers store this summer and am offering a summer sale July 1-4! Come check out my new vocabulary handouts and some old favorites too - thanks art teacher friends! 

I also visited the High Museum in Atlanta on Sunday- did any of you take advantage of free admission day? It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed several exhibits like....
The Art of Coca-Cola, with a room full of Warhols

The Mo Willems exhibit with the Pigeon and my favorite, Naked Mole Rat in several outfits. I just think he is a hoot.

 This was an exciting new piece by KAWS in the contemporary wing.

 And of course the Alex Katz show was just gorgeous with its oversized canvases of portraits and landscapes.

 Outside we were treated to some great live music, with a fantastic tuba trio! It was a great day.

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