
Friday, December 2, 2011

Nonobjective Color Studies: 5th grade

student example with analogous colors
Here are some completed examples of the paintings I posted about last week - see original post here.  We really enjoyed painting and mixing colors and working in the style of painters Arthur Dove, Sonia Delauney, and Paul Klee.  Using our info sheets to plan ahead was really helpful - it was a place to make thumbnail sketches, plan our compositions, and work out color schemes.  Several teachers asked for the info sheet, and I can't attach it as a document, but here it is as a picture - maybe you can print it large??? p.s. - if you know how to attach a document, let me know! : )


  1. I love these colour studies! Is there any chance you would be willing to post the info sheet as well? A wonderful lesson!

  2. I will try - it's tricky to post a document, but I might be able to cut and paste. Will send next week from my school computer.

  3. I love getting a peek at those sketches.
    Great variety!

  4. These are very cool! I hope also that you can send the info sheet!


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