
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

My new book!
Today's the day! My book, ABC Arts Book, is now available for preorder on Amazon - it will be shipping out in late January. I am thrilled, and you can get your copy for 8.99. If you have young kids in your life, this is a book that introduces vocabulary from all of the fine arts. There are other books in the STEAM baby series as well - some are out now and some are on the way. Thanks for all your support, friends.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

I'm an author!

 I have an exciting announcement to share with you later this week - I have been working on a special project since the spring of this year and it is almost complete! Stay tuned - here is a clue...

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wintery projects from this month

Here are a few of the holiday/ winter activities we had going on recently. I still have remote students getting asynchronous lessons from me as well as in person students, and I am trying to have everyone do the same lesson as much as possible. I am cleaning tables, stools and supplies between classes- whew! It has been a lot and I'm proud of all my little artists.

Northern lights monoprint - a fancy effect from simple markers, water, and a plastic baggie:

Some of my fifth graders are finally getting to finish the potholder weaving we started last March just as school shut down. These are a great way to get some weaving practice and you have a useful product when complete.

And, my current fourth graders are finishing up embroideries from last year as well - we were using the couching stitch.

Our winter mystery drawing was called Snowman Lane! 

We made sets of holiday cards by building a collage, then placing it under the folded paper and rubbing with the side of a crayon. This type of printing is called collagraph.

December at Dolvin

December was so much fun in our building - we had a #DolvinHolidayChallege that included many days of dress ups, snacks and lunches, door decorations, selfies with elfies, and many more festivities. We tweeted our pics to earn holiday flair and I even won a poinsettia! Here are some highlights...

The students helped with my door decor - our theme was Snow Day in the City.

Our PTA offered to wrap the staff's gifts - such a helpful gift of time.

It was a month of fun that we all needed and there was a real feeling of the holiday spirit in the air.