
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Night time at the Pumpkin Patch

Kindergarten crayon & watercolor resist, focus on space in the landscape.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Primary Popsicles

First grade, tempera and collage, about 2 sessions

Painting the primary stripes which will become the popsicles

Next we mixed the primaries to make secondaries and created line patterns on our background sheets

Once we made orange, purple and green, we added white to make tints


Once all the papers were dry, we cut the popsicle shapes and glued it all together with sticks. The finishing touch was a white highlight to accentuate the reflective surface. Yum!
Thanks to We Heart Art for the great lesson idea -

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Animals Up Close

Grade level: 5    Tempera painting with technology element      3.5 sessions

This lesson focused on cropping a composition for a close-up point of view, as well as color mixing and visual texture - not to mention the beauty of nature and the majesty of animals!
Here, students are finding pics of animals and cropping them digitally, to use as observational drawing aids.

Next, once our thumbnail sketches and final designs were pencil drawn, we dove in to the tempera for our base layer, trying to mix colors for a more natural effect. The students wanted to do their details first, and to keep them on track, I gave them only larger brushes on the first painting day. The goal was to fill all the shapes and spaces with color, but no details or textures.

The next painting day, we had a drybrush and detailing demo and set to work creating visual textures.

Here are a few of our completed paintings - some are abstracted enough to really get your imaginations working! 


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mixed pics (and costumes!)

Here are some exciting pics and previews that I can't seem to organize into posts, so here they are - the island of misfit pics! Enjoy!

A couple of 4th grade layered landscapes

Kindergarten colors and cutting for backgrounds...

Pristine paints... Let's admire them before they are destroyed :)

Painting primaries for "Popsicles"

4th grade iPad research for character collages... Can't wait to see these!

Leah's drawing for our school Holiday card

Shani's card design for the city of Johns Creek

An old piece I found in a file from my middle school teaching days, written by a special needs 8th grader - so sweet.

Sunshine on my drying rack

5th grade elephant painting underway

My daughter Kinsey made her own costume this year - Edward Scissorhands!

Mr. and Mrs. Knight as Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler, 15 years later :)