
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Sketching

Looking for something fun to draw this summer but short on supplies? Here are two fun sketching activities that require only a pen, a catalog from the recycling stack, some sidewalk chalk and a little sunshine. All of these activities were found on Pinterest.

Summer Sketch #1 - catalog characters
Look through some old housewares catalogs and add your own cartoon characters in the space using a sharpie. 

Pictures from Doodlers Anonymous

Summer Sketch #2 - shadow tracing
This works best either early or late in the day when shadows are longer. Find an interesting shadow and trace it directly on the concrete with chalk, or place large paper on the ground and trace with pen or marker for a longer lasting work of art that can later be painted. If no paper and paints, snap a photo of your chalk drawing for your sketchbook.

Picture from Palisades Preschool

Picture from NYTimes
Picture from TeachKidsArt blog

Calling all student photographers...

Attention Dolvin photo club members and any other Dolvin student photographers, send me your best summer pics and I will publish them right here before school starts. Club members can use our Shutterfly account - look for the "summer 13" album for uploading - and non-members can email your pics to me at Looking forward to seeing your best summer shots!

So it's a little late, but my photo club kids had fun documenting the signs of spring around our building a couple of months ago. Here are a few highlights...

Hehe, Leenah got this one of me as we were heading out for our last shoot. 

Here are two pics I shot from my front porch this summer, the spiderweb in the morning and the froggie in the evening.