
Monday, December 17, 2012

Ansel Adams style, Dolvin Photo Club


Ansel Adams was a master photographer and conservationist in America. His black and white landscapes are iconic, whether expansive vistas or close up views. Fifth grade club members engaged in a discussion about the characteristics of his work, such as value and texture contrasts, before heading out onto the nature trail around the school. After a nice afternoon of photo shooting, we edited the pictures back in the computer lab - please enjoy some of our results!


Friday, December 14, 2012

Instrument prints, 4th grade

Printing a series from a styrofoam plate is part of our second unit of curriculum for 4th grade. Contour drawing was a big part of our first unit, so we continued that study with our musical instrument prints. We looked at some master artist examples of "music in art'" such as this Vermeer painting, The Guitar Player, which was a great piece for Artful Thinking: See, Think, Wonder.

Students drew instruments from real life and also from some I projected on the whiteboard - couldn't find a real banjo! Then we transferred our favorite to foam and the printing began!

Next, we numbered, titled, and signed our series and trimmed off excess paper. On our less successful prints - those with smears or less than perfect ink transfer - we added colorful pastel details.